Friday, November 04, 2005


As I posted before Its been several weeks of on again off again on the house. I've been following the plight of Jade and you can read it for yourself here, here,
here,here, here and there. I can see that I've only begun the roller coaster ride that is closing on a home. I won't go into all that has happened thus far but I will say that right now it looks as if we have a deal. We are waiting for the appraiser to do his thing and pray that the house appraises for at least what the builder is asking. If the answer to that is yes then we should have the majority of the hurdles behind us. Though as I said after reading about Jades ride I'm certainly not holding my breath.
Jade I hope your ride is now over and you are on your way to moving into your new lovely home. I've been rooting for you!

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