I'm sitting here at my computer amidst total chaos! If I were brave enough I'd snap a picture to show you just what I mean. Somehow the thought that moving day is about 2 weeks away has placed me into some sort of shock. I can't seem to get anything done! There are piles on the desk (OK that isn't unusual on my desk) clutter all over the kitchen table from piles of paperwork and various projects that I began to sort and never finished. As we speak there is a load of clean dry clothes in the drier that I just don't have the energy to remove, fold and place in the proper drawers and such. Another load clean and wet in the washer and an ever growing pile of dirty clothes in the hamper.... though that is an improvement from the ever growing pile on my bedroom floor! Though we have been packing boxes and taking the items we don't need till spring and driving them the 60 miles to the storage unit near the new house... well you wouldn't think we had taken the first thing. It appears as if our items multiply over night. I've taken down all the pictures and most of the decorative items weeks ago. I've packed up boxes of books and toys and off season clothing and still there seems to be no end to the job ahead.
I've spent nights dreaming and wishful thinking of moving day being a snap! OK, in reality I was wishing I was Jeannie, of I dream of Jeannie fame and I could just blink and it would all be done. Alas, it is not to be.
I'm sure you are all thinking to yourselves...if there is so much to be done what in the name of God are you doing here ranting about it? Well honestly as is my style I'm procrastinating. Its something I do very well. Not something I'm proud of but not something I'm going to try and hide either! You might as well know about it ... you may have even figured it out on your own! I'm sure I've given some clues these last months, unwittingly of course.
Now if there are any of you out there that just love to pack and make order of things... please come lend a hand I would gladly sit here at my desk barking an order every now and again while sitting back visiting my regular blog reads....Oh come now doesn't that sound appealing to any of you? OK well I suppose the packing and cleaning can wait while I surf on to my blog reading. Till next time!