Monday, June 01, 2009

But surely you jest

Half of this year 2009 has come and nearly gone and I have not visited my blog in all that time. So much has happened and I've been so busy with life that I have forgotten to mention any of it here. A quick run down of all that has happened since my last visit.
  1. Part time job at the Hospital
  2. Start of the 2nd semester of RN school (whew)
  3. 25th wedding anniversary
  4. Bob had surgery
  5. 44th birthday
  6. Bob had surgery again
  7. Bob's 50th birthday
  8. Jackie turned 21
  9. The end of 2nd semester! Hip Hip Hurray!
  10. Celebration of the completion of 1st year RN program!
  11. The start of summer
  12. Foot surgery to remove a cyst that has been aggravated by being on my feet all day
  13. Many other things I don't have the time to share or would rather keep to myself : )
I'm amazed at the swiftness that this year has taken. I know the older we get the faster the years go by. However, I'm not getting older I'm getting better! Like a fine wine! I have been so blessed with great family, friends, classmates and co-workers. There was a time I had regrets and now I see only successes. Everything in my past has brought me to this present. This glorious here and now that the Lord Almighty foresaw so long ago. For all the mistakes and the heartaches I am stronger, more insightful and grateful than I've ever been in my life. I know it is due to the road I've walked thus far and the education I gained along the way that has strengthened me to be the mother, wife, student, employee, daughter, etc that I have become. I still have a long way to go and the Lord it forever molding me. I look forward to the coming school year and my continuing education post graduation. I'm sure it will be sometime before I post again as I don't seem to have the time to do this, I think this is a good thing, but I will stop in from time to time.