I'm late in posting this as I had left it in draft form but let me tell you that I had not forgotten.
My second born is now officially legal! She is 18 and though I find it hard to believe that 18 years have passed since that day in 1988 when I gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl. She's brought me so much joy over the years. Yes we have had our ups and downs and she isn't perfect but I have been so very blessed to have her. She is beautiful from the inside out! She has so much love and compassion for others. I love my fellow man but I can tell you she didn't get her deep concern from me. Her's goes much deeper than mine.
I only wish my beautiful girl had as much love for herself as she does for others. I pray for her to gain some confidence and love for herself in this her 18th year. I pray she finds her place in this crazy mixed up world we live in. I wish I could stop the world today and not let my family grow any older and just live in this moment. I know I can't have that and that is partly why I keep this blog. To be able to look back and capture the moments of my life.
Here is a picture of my happy birthday girl with her present from all of us.

And yes that was a spidey cake. Jackie loves spider man. spidey cake

Yeah as a matter of fact the bathroom that Jackie and Brandon share is decorated in Spidey. I asked them to agree on a theme and that worked well.
I decided to make entertaining simple and decided to go with a latin flair. Chips and salsa and some quesadillas. Mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm good.
18th birthday with some Latin flair

And here is my gang all together for a birthday photo. I am truly blessed.