Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The end has come

21 June 2005 19:56 EDT | Posted by wifeandmotherof4 The end has come
This morning Nana died, passed away, went on to a better place, departed this earth. Her pain is over and now the pain for all those she left behind will be difficult to shake. Nana was a strong woman. I never knew my grandparents so I truly don't have anything to compare her to.

I would see Nana at Christmas, we always had his family celebrations at her house. All the grandkids, their spouses and great grandkids would gather for wonderful food and catching up. Nana would always come to birthday celebrations until a few years back when the noise seemed to be too much for her and it was either too cold or too hot. Soon it was too much for her to continue with the Christmas celebration at her home. Not to mention the fact we had long since begun to over flow her house.

What with 4 grandchildren ( she has one other grandchild but she lives on the left coast and unable to come for these celebrations), 13 great grand children and 5 great, great grand children not many could handle this crowd. Especially when you count all the spouses, boyfriends and girlfriends the house was busting at the seems. We started using the church for our Christmas gatherings and Nana was not up to attending anymore.

Over the course of the last few days I've heard some wonderful stories about the woman that I guess I never took the time to get to know as well as I should have. She lived a glorious life for 87 years. I'm grateful God let her into his kingdom swiftly. I know none of us were prepared for her to go as soon as she did and yet I know it was best. She was able to die peacefully in her home with her loving family at her side. The coming days and months will be most difficult for her daughter Patty as she spent the last 2 years caring for her mother. I know that the days leading up to the funeral services will keep her busy and the true loss will come when that is over.

I pray that God will help her through this most difficult time and that God will give those family members the wisdom not to fly circles around Nana's belongings. I say this although I feel the vultures are ready to land and take what they feel is rightfully theirs. To them I say there is plenty of time to work out the details and now is not the time. I fear however that the shadow from the circling vultures has me running the opposite direction. I want nothing and yet I know Patty will not be able to stand up to the pressures soon bearing their weight on her.

Here is a picture of Nana at our wedding 21 and 1/2 years ago. This is the Nana I want to remember.