About two months ago I had made plans for Bob and I to travel to Mt. Airy, NC for the Mayberry days festival. I made reservations in Winston-Salem for a 4 day get away. I made all the necessary arrangements for 24 hour nursing care for Nickie. I asked Mom to watch Brandon and Jackie so that Bob and I could have a much needed break. If I haven't mentioned this before having a child that requires nursing care makes it difficult for us to get away for dinner much less 4 days. I made sure to ask the nurses I most trusted to be here for Nickie while we would be away. I was able to get everyone committed to the hours needed and I felt comfortable with the arrangements. To be cont'd
We invited his mom and dad and his sister and her husband to go back in time to the Andy Griffith show. I know it sounds corny but we were looking forward to the trip. I expected to spend one day in Mt. Airy seeing the sights and enjoying the quaint country town. I also wanted to spend a day in Old Salem. Learn about the Moravian culture and take tons of pictures.
We left Thursday stopping along the way for breakfast and snacks and arrived in Winston-Salem around 1 pm. I don't usually see beauty in the city but I really liked what I saw there. We got our selves all settled into our room and decided to take a walk downtown for lunch. It was a sweltering heat and the walk was all up hill yet I thoroughly enjoyed it. We found a nice cafe, Cat's Corner Cafe, and had a wonderful lunch. Bob ordered the Macho Nachos and I had a huge salad. We filled our bellies and decided to walk back to the room. I fell in love with this city.

I've never really cared much about architecture before but so many of the shapes just called to me.

This city just looked so much more beautiful than the one I see everyday.

I really considered moving there. Not such a good idea for Bob as it would mean starting all over with his business. My in-laws all arrived shortly after our walk back to the room.

We all got together at the Alive after Five concert where I was carded at the entry. I was on cloud nine that night after that. I thanked the woman for making my night. I only wish I'd thought to have my picture taken with her. I told her she was my new best friend. The music at the concert didn't really suit our tastes so we decided to walk to 4th street to see what was going on. We found a cabaret singer in a bar that we later decided must have been a gay bar. We laughed and sang along and had a few drinks. The walk back was all down hill and in the coolness of the night much easier than the walk up hill.

It had been a long day and I was exhausted. It didn't take more than my head hitting the pillow before I was sound asleep.....to be cont'd.