15 June 2005 08:51 EDT | Posted by wifeandmotherof4
Lately, I've been on somewhat of a journey. Ever since a couple months back when I registered at the local community college. I decided to take in addition to the placement tests, the psychological testing as well. This testing only proved what I had only recently found out about myself. I had always considered myself a shy quiet person... OK not quiet but shy. I thought I was somewhat an introvert. In the last few years I learned I am an extrovert for the most part and the testing agreed with that. When I took my tests my husband came along and though he sat behind me quietly I asked him later if he felt I had answered most of the questions truthfully or if he saw me differently. I'm happy to report he agreed with not only the findings of the test but also that I chose the answers he felt best fit me also. The Myers-Briggs has me as an ESFP. I'm an extroverted sensing with feeling. I question the sensing part of that but I agree with the rest.
I'm an exuberant lover of life. I live in the moment and find enjoyment in people, food, clothes, animals, the natural world, and activities. I'm interested in people and new activities... Well, that certainly explains my love of blogs and reading about the lives of people I know nothing about. The results from this test has had me taking on line tests some very silly and yet they too seem to be accurate. Below are the results of a few of them.
Your Linguistic Profile:
70% General American English |
20% Dixie |
10% Yankee |
0% Midwestern |
0% Upper Midwestern |
I certainly thought I'd come up more Dixie than 20%, I guess I'm not as much a southern belle as I thought... Yeah OK I never thought of myself as a southern belle but I did think that to those of you not from the south I would at least have the southern speech ... It seems not as much as I thought.
Am I bewitching? according to www.tickle.com :
Lillie, your Sense of Humor makes you bewitching
So maybe you can't pull a rabbit out of your hat. It doesn't matter much since you never fail to make people laugh. That's right, you've got a fun personality and quick wit that makes you nothing less than magical.
Am I bewitching? So far everyone I shared these results with think the nail was hit right on the head. Here is the result:
It's no joke when we say that your funny bone is your most beguiling feature. But that's not to say that you don't have other alluring assets, too. You're a sweetheart who's always thinking about others, and your sense of humor in handling everything makes you stand out. So keep crafting clever remarks, witty comebacks, and silly stories. You're sure to attract many adoring fans and lots of laughs!
My subconscious mind: again from www.tickle.com :
Lillie, your subconscious mind is most preoccupied with issues around your family life
On a conscious level, you might already be aware that something is troubling you, or eating up a lot of time when it comes to your family relations. But it's also possible that family issues have been preoccupying your subconscious mind — leaving you with nothing more than a general sense that things just don't feel 100% right in your life though you can't quite figure out why.
You may feel slightly bothered by situations or relationships in your family, or you may find that your family just isn't fulfilling you in critical ways you desire. You also might find you spend a lot of time worrying, or thinking about your family members and their situations. You might feel that family issues take up a lot of your energy. Or maybe you're so frustrated with your situation that you avoid the topic all together.
Whichever feelings hold true, your test results indicate that right now, your subconscious mind is working overtime to resolve the issues confronting you in this area of your life — even if you don't feel aware of it.
What's my sense of Humor? Did I need a test to tell me this? I think not! Thanks to www.tickle.com :
Lillie, your sense of humor is Sarcasm
Oh yeah, you're really funny. (Actually you are, but you're so sarcastic that it's hard to tell when you're joking.) You mean what you say, but almost never say exactly what you mean. In fact you usually say the exact opposite. For instance, if your friend is wearing an ugly watch, you might tell them, "I wanted a watch like that once, but I got the wrong Happy Meal." Yep, there's a slight edge to your humor, but all you are really doing is telling it like it is, only like it's not.
Whether you're roasting a friend or playing social critic, your deadpan delivery and dry cynicism go a long way to expressing your true feelings...and making people laugh along the way.
OK, enough already...