Saturday, June 18, 2005

graduation day!

Graduation day!
Today Nickie graduated from middle school. She looked absolutely beautiful in her skirt and eyelet top. So grown up.

The ceremony was looooonnnnggg and I was so proud of not only Nickie's ability to sit there and attend but also with Brandon for being so well behaved.

It was awful the way many of the adults acted. Yelling names and making comments. Even after the principal gave a 3-4 minute speech on how the parents and adults in the audience should lead by example and please be dignified. The people sitting behind us were the loudest of the bunch. Yelling things constantly.

I gave Brandon a big hug and thanked him for behaving better than many of the adults. He just beamed with pride.

BTW, forgive the date stamp on the pictures above they should read 6/1/2005... I by passed setting the date and time stamp on my camera hoping that would prevent the time stamp from showing. Obviosly not. I guess I have to pull out the instruction manual to find out just how I disable that feature.

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