Sunday, July 16, 2006

We found a couple of interesting items that popped up on their own out back. Several of these beautiful white flowers popped up in the lawn.

We also found this bright red mushroom back behind the newly constructed hen house. Makes me wonder if the Smurfs haven't started a new colony in my back yard. Either that or we have one of those varieties of mushrooms that I've heard speak of. No worries, I won't be smoking or eating this variety! However I will take bids if you wish to try it! OK, not really but I sure was tempted! Damn the devil to hell!Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

i have some of those red mushrooms too. i have a website for appomattox now also. come look if ya want. Lisa

Mike Da Hat said...

The Red mushroom is a fly agaric or Amanita muscarina. The scandinavians used to eat it for it's halucinagenic properties, they even fed it to their reindeers for some strange reason. German housewives used to crumble it into a saucer of water to kill flies, hence fly agaric. The White flower looks like a convulvulous.